Healthy Hair

If you're over 40 and want to defy each passing year while promoting more youthful hair, nails, and skin, the below 7 foods will help you stock up on some of the most powerful anti-aging nutrients around. It is important to note that these are good foods to add nutrient variety to our diet, but should not be consumed in excess (like anything else).

  1. Olive Oil - Not only do the monounsaturated fats contained in olive oil support healthy arteries and a healthy heart, but olive oil also contains polyphenols, a potent antioxidant that may help prevent a number of age-related diseases.  We recommend organic extra virgin olive oil for the most anti-aging bang for your buck.
  2. Red Wine - That's right, a glass of wine daily may indeed have a positive effect on your health due to its resveratrol content, a unique anti-oxidant that can help fight against diabetes, heart disease, and age-related memory loss.
  3. Beans - The unique proteins in beans thicken and strengthen your hair cells, so you can enjoy a full head of hair as you lengthen your years. :)
  4. Brazil Nuts - Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral that aids in the production of the anti-oxidant glutathione to help slow down the skin aging process.  Just 2 nuts a day will provide you with enough selenium to reap its anti-aging benefits.
  5. Tomatoes - Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has been shown to support heart health and healthy cholesterol levels as you age.  Lycopene also acts as a natural sunblock to keep skin youthful and protected from harmful UV rays.
  6. Raspberries & Blueberries - These two berries contain important anti-oxidants to help offset inflammation and oxidative stress that contribute to skin aging and wrinkles.  Just one serving of either of these berries contains more anti-oxidants than 10 servings of most other fruits and vegetables!
  7. Organic Eggs - Despite the bad rap eggs get because of their cholesterol content, which is based on completely erroneous science, eggs are rich in biotin and iron which help to promote healthy, youthful skin and hair.


Article Review: Emotional Regulation

Remember learning about emotions in primary school? There was a little chart with cute little faces showing what certain emotions looked like. We were taught that when we feel an emotion we “are” that emotion. For example, saying “I am happy” defines us as being happy. When we are just experiencing that emotion, it is not definitive of our existence in that moment, it is definitive of that moment within our existence.

Amelia Aldao describes them as being a compass for our actions. We typically act on emotions, sometimes that can be good and sometimes it can lead to mistakes and regrets made. Learning how to identify emotions can help with being able to take a step back from the current situation/environment and respond in a rational way.

Learning this skill can also help in the search for contentment, not “happiness”. People tend to think that if they don’t consistently feel the emotion of happiness or excitement then their life isn’t good or they are doing something wrong. This process rarely leads to true contentment in one’s life because it is always felt that something isn’t right due to the lack of consistent happiness. However, recognizing emotions and understanding why you are feeling that way can have a huge effect on being content with oneself.

In our society, we have been raised to not show emotions. We are told to “put on a face” and pretend that everything is alright for the time being. To an extent this is ok. Running around complaining all of the time to everyone about all your problems isn’t healthy, but neither is packing down our feelings to the point of either exploding (not literally) or pulling back from relationships. That goes into a whole other topic of trusting people, but being able to know yourself first can be super beneficial.

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